#DisruptEDU – Disrupting the traditional education paradigm in a positive way.


Today, I’m excited to formalize the #DisruptEDU pet project from the incubator. It aims to amplify disruptive thinking and actions in education by providing useful resources for people, and assist myself and others to find their tribes.

You can read more about how and why I chose to be bothered with the status-quo of education by reading these two posts.

The DisruptEDU logo above depicts a speech bubble within a representative D. To me, amplification of disruptive thinking and ideas in our schools requires dialogue; that is, understanding perspectives from multiple sources within the school community and beyond, conversations and questioning around the current status and intended status of school as we know it, and communication of ideas that helps us to understand that it is possible to design our own relevant futures if we believe we can.

There are a few ways that people can be involved in this dialogue:

Flipboard Magazine

At a simple level, you can check out resources that I am collecting through a Flipboard Magazine. Useful for sharing a provocation with that fixed-mindset colleague, or to lobby your school board, or just to have a read to fuel the heart and mind.

flipboard-icon-150x150 – http://flip.it/Pwa-Uj


Google+ Community

As a more social avenue, the #DisruptEDU community on G+ is a space for like-minded individuals to discuss stories and ideas.

googleplus-logos-02.png – https://plus.google.com/communities/117977025614247793043



If Twitter is more of your thing, you can use the #DisruptEDU hashtag to connect with others in your PLN, and share your own relevant content that you find.



#DisruptEDU on this blog

It’s no secret that I am advocating for change in education whenever I have a captive audience. You can view relevant posts and updates by following the #DisruptEDU category on this blog, or view talks and presentations on the subject from the static #DisruptEDU page at the very top of this blog.