
I am active on social media for professional development and networking with other educators:

Twitter: @anthsperanza

Google Plus: +AnthonySperanza

If you wish to contact me via e-mail you can fill out the form below:


Or you a welcome to leave a comment below!

10 thoughts on “Contact

  1. G’day Anthony,

    My daughter’s school, St Jude’s in Langwarrin, has a principal who loves to use QR codes in his editorial of the newsletter. His latest QR code sent me to your blog. Great how technology works like that nowadays!

    Great blog by the way. I’ll be interested to read your reflections on the Genius Hour, as it unfolds.

    In order to follow the blog, and be alerted to new content, could you possibly add a ‘subscribe’ button where we can insert our email address?

    Well done mate,

    Andrew McDermott
    Deputy Principal
    St Agatha’s Primary School, Cranbourne


  2. Hi Andrew,

    Love how technology can be used to easily share and link up with others!

    I subscribe to feeds with RSS and using services like Feedly and thought most people do the same. But you are the second person who has asked me this week, so I have given in and added a subscibe email button!

    Thanks for dropping by.



  3. Hi Anthony,
    Im a year 4 teacher and elearning teacher on Sydney.
    Enjoyed reading your blog on genius hour. We did it last term and doing it this term. The students loved it and was pleased with the final products. Love the idea of open expo but interested in seeing some of yours and same for your class via video conferencing. Would you be interested in ding that with our grade?

    Look forward to hearing from you


    • Hi Nancy,

      I’d be happy to share with you. All of our projects were uploaded to our class blog last term. We have already had students from other schools view and comment on them. Happy to setup a skype session at some stage as well. Maybe shoot me a DM on twitter and we’ll go from there 🙂



  4. Hi Anthony

    Thanks for yesterdays presentation it was great and very interesting, we at St Mary’s want to get onto Google apps!
    I was going through with my principal and IT guy and one question I couldn’t answer was about the SINA my desktop page. What do you guys use in place of that?
    Might have to do a skype once our GAFE account is setup 🙂

    Thanks again



    • Hi Amy,

      Our myclasses is a bit of a ghost town but we still have a few things on there. You can still run myclasses with GAFE, they are completely independent of each other. If you want to move completely away from myclasses you could just create a Google Site easily enough.



  5. Anthony,

    I was on the South Eastern Study Tour the other day. We are wanting to change to Google Apps for Education at our school. It’s been made apparent to us that in the changeover we lose access to our emails in SINA. Is this your experience? Do you know if staff can use their gmail accounts to import their SINA emails before we changeover to the Google apps for education domain?

    Any tips you might share with us about this change would be most welcome!



    • Hi Derek,

      You can import your SINA emails over to gmail so effectively you wont loose your data. When you eventually go Google Apps, you can setup your mail direction to deliver to gmail. Alternatively you can also run both together to deliver to gmail and sina but I wouldn’t recommend this!



  6. Hi Anthony,

    I have just been looking at the way you have been using google forms and am interested in knowing more about how you gave your students feedback on their results. After you got the results and collated them using flubaroo did you then go and highlight what they could and could not do on your ‘I can statements’ or did flubaroo do this for you? If you could let me know that would be great.




    • Hi Julia,

      This is a process that students do. We design the pre-test in a way that it makes it easy for students to work out which questions relate to the appropriate outcomes when the results are sent by Flubaroo. The teacher notes and signs off any evidence that denotes a “green traffic light” on their scope and sequence after pre and post tests or during focus lessons.

      Hope that helps!



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